Grammar-Translation Teaching Method Explained w/ Example Class!

February 20, 2023

What is the Grammar-Translation Teaching Method? The Grammar-Translation Method is a traditional way of teaching foreign languages that emphasizes translating texts from the target language into the student’s native language. It is commonly used in academic settings to teach classical (Latin) and modern languages. As part of a GTM curriculum, students typically study a textbook, memorize grammar rules, learn vocabulary, and do translation exercises to develop their reading and writing skills.

More on Grammar-Translation:

in the Teaching Methodology Exposed series, we take a look at notable language-teaching methods which have influenced us and wider education.  We, as educational professionals, explain the history and rationale behind these methodologies and analyze a real class example to better weigh each method’s pros and cons as an effective teaching approach.

Check out more:
✔ Explanation, Analysis & Examples of Teaching Methods here:

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